Japoneses nāo curtem tanto comidas pesadas de restaurantes fast food como Mc Donnalds, KFC, Pizza Hut e etc... Talvez por estarem mais ligados às suas tradiçōes eles preferem comer Obentos que sāo facilmente encontrados em qualquer esquina, ou em máquinas automáticas, gostam também de comer apenas Oniguiris, custam bem barato e encontrados em qualquer lugar também e criaram um restaurante de fast food com sanduíches mais do gosto deles e mais light.
Japanese don't like so much the junky food from restaurants like Mc Donnalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, etc... Maybe because they like to keep their traditions they prefer eating Obentos, it is easily found anywhere in supermarkets, convenience shops, or automatic machines that sell these food, they also like to eat only Oniguiri, they are very cheap and also found in any place, and more recently they created a hamburger fast food shop that pleases their taste and is also more light food.
Obento Shops
Japanese style burger